Kønsbalance 21.10.2021 Kvinder i bestyrelser: Det bliver i familien Kvinder med familiære bånd til siddende bestyrelsesmedlemmer og direktører har mere end dobbelt så…
Bevilling 20.10.2021 Nyt projekt kortlægger ulovlig minedrift og global miljøkriminalitet Med små 12 mio. kroner fra DFF vil forskere fra Københavns Universitet undersøge, hvordan mineraler…
Klimaforskerne 13.10.2021 Klimaforskning: Én procent gør en verden til forskel Frikk Nesje og hans kolleger har skabt international opmærksomhed ved at bygge bro i debatten om,…
12.10.2021 Mathematics camps: A gift for gifted students? Sarah Zaccagni and co-authors publish in Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization
11.10.2021 Mette Ejrnæs udpeget til lønstrukturkomité Regeringen nedsætter en lønstrukturkomité, der skal kigge nærmere på lønudviklingen i den offentlig…
Covid-19 07.10.2021 Vaccine-lommepenge er kontroversielle – men de virker Kan et par hundrede kroner motivere folk til at lade sig vaccinere? Ja, til en vis grad, viser et…
Covid-19 07.10.2021 Vaccine ‘pocket money’ is controversial - but it works Can a few hundred kroner motivate people to be vaccinated? Yes, to a certain extent, shows a…
05.10.2021 CEBI economist on front page of Berlingske Business In a 2-page interview on the relevance of Karl Marx today, Jeppe Druedahl argues that the questions…
21.09.2021 CEBI research on earmarked parental leave Jakob Egholt Søgaard and Thomas H. Jørgensen’s research on Welfare Reforms and the Division of…
02.09.2021 Financing Constraints, Home Equity and Selection into Entrepreneurship Søren Leth-Petersen and co-authors’ research accepted for publication in Journal of Financial…
19.07.2021 Measuring the Cost of Racial Abuse in Soccer "Like many soccer fans around the world, Paolo Falco, was delighted by the outcome of the European…
08.07.2021 Cognitive Consequences of Iodine Deficiency in Adolescence: Evidence from Salt Iodization in Denmark Benjamin Ly Serena's research to be published in The Scandinavian Journal of Economics
01.07.2021 PhD student Isabel Skak Olufsen presents her research on Inequality in Life Satisfaction Isabel will present at the ifo Conference on "Genes, Social Mobility, and Inequalities across the…
30.06.2021 Do elites capture foreign aid? Niels Johannesen and co-authors publish in Journal of Political Economy
21.06.2021 Welfare Reforms and the Division of Parental Leave Thomas H. Jørgensen and Jakob E. Søgaard's CESifo working paper, featured in the latest CESifo…
16.06.2021 Health Meets Public Economics CEBI researchers Torben Heien Nielsen, Miriam Wüst and Asger Lau Andersen to present their findings…
04.06.2021 Bertel Schjerning edits special issue for Journal of Econometrics Implementation of structural dynamic models is subject to thorough examination when Bertel and his…
01.06.2021 Niels Johannesen will give the keynote lecture at the IEB Summer Workshop on the Economics of Taxation The lecture is entitled “Globalized tax payers – globalized tax enforcement” and discusses policies…
01.06.2021 Mette Gørtz in DR1 explaining how demographic changes affects the economy. Steffen Gram had invited professor Mette Gørtz and professor Flemming Konradsen to comment on the…
26.05.2021 Observable skills generate more jobs Anonymity og Distance? Job Search and Labour Market Exclusion in a Growing African City. Paolo Falc…