DANSKE VIRKSOMHEDER 15.06.2020 Hjælpepakker hjalp os undgå titusindvis af fyringer Forskere på KU, CBS og to amerikanske universiteter kortlægger effekten af regeringens milliard-dyr…
11.06.2020 CEBI organizes the Economic Policy Research Network conference June 18 This year the topic is COVID-19: Economic Consequences and Policy Response
09.06.2020 How to stimulate the Danish economy after the COVID-19 lockdown Recent research from CEBI provides key estimate for the current discussions about the right fiscal…
08.06.2020 Torben Heien Nielsen and Itzik Fadlon's research paper Family Labor Supply Responses to Severe Health Shocks Evidence from Danish Administrative Records has been accepted for publication in American Economic…
03.06.2020 Dyb, kort og psykisk hård. Hvad er det egentlig for en krise, vi står i, når vi hæver os op over nyhedsflimmeret og helt op i…
25.05.2020 COVID-19 results in 50 per cent surge for prayer In March 2020, the share of Google searches for prayer surged to the highest level ever recorded,…
22.05.2020 The contagious nature of a vaccine scare Mette Gørtz and Mette Ejrnæs find that highly-educated mothers were apparently more sensitive to…
20.05.2020 Miriam Wüst affiliated with IZA and invited to be an associate editor at the Journal of Health Economics Over 1,400 renowned economists from all parts of the world cooperate with IZA as Research Fellows.…
19.05.2020 Christina Gravert: Triggering Emotions Won’t Lead to Lasting Behavior Change Christina ordinates cocktails - not the ones in glasses topped with little colourful umbrellas. But…
19.05.2020 Den næste hjælpepakke kan blive kolde kontanter ind på din konto Hvorfor er cool cash fra staten sat direkte ind på din bankkonto en god idé? Og hvorfor er der inge…
18.05.2020 Asger Lau Andersen and Niels Johannesen on Deadline: The impact of the lockdown on economic activity Most of the economic contraction is caused by the pandemic itself and occurs regardless of whether…
15.05.2020 Sarah Zaccagni and Paolo Falco share research results with expert group In their newly published research Sarah Zaccagni and Paolo Falco find that the reminder…
12.05.2020 Skal staten egentlig betale sin gæld tilbage til dens egen centralbank? Danmark låner under Coronakrisen milliarder af kroner i vores egen centralbank. Men er det…
07.05.2020 Frederik Plesner Lyngse called in as expert The group advices the Danish government on the implications of re-opening the society during the…
07.05.2020 CEBI researcher Mette Gørtz in the debate program Deadline on DR2 to comment on the economic expert report and the consequences of re-opening selected sectors in…
06.05.2020 Deadline på DR2: Mette Gørtz kommenterer på ekspertgruppes rapport Rapporten om genåbningen af Danmark offentliggøres tirsdag 6. maj i løbet af eftermiddagen. Senere…
29.04.2020 The 2020 American Economic Journal: Applied Economics Best Paper Prize have been awarded to CEBI researchers Jakob Egholt Søgaard and Henrik Kleven (together with Camille Landais) for the paper "Children and…
28.04.2020 Ny bevilling: Krisehåndtering i danske virksomheder Allerede om en måned vil landets virksomheder kunne få hjælp til at styre bedst muligt igennem…
24.04.2020 CEBI research titled “The Informativeness of Estimation Moments” by Bo Honoré, Thomas H. Jørgensen and Áureo de Paulahas has been accepted for publication in Journa…