05.05.2015 Finn Tarp publishes article in Journal of Economic Integration International economic integration has been a central policy goal for the Vietnam government since…
14.04.2015 Rémi Piatek has published a paper in Journal of Applied Econometrics Maintaining (Locus of) Control? Data Combination for the Identification and Inference of Factor…
14.04.2015 César Salazar-Espinoza, Sam Jones and Finn Tarp have published an article in Food Policy The paper entitled “Weather shocks and cropland decisions in rural Mozambique” has been published b…
08.04.2015 Sam Jones publishes a paper in the Journal of Economic Inequality Together with co-authors Vincenzo Salvucci and Channing Arndt, Sam Jones has recently published a…
24.03.2015 Annemarie og Erling Kristiansens fonds uddeling af priser og stipendier i 2015 Fredag den 20. marts 2015 uddelte Annemarie og Erling Kristiansens fond ved en højtidelighed i…
dishonesty, behavioral economics, lying to children, parenthood, 23.02.2015 International interest in Marco Piovesan's recent paper From Washington Post to Michigan Radio: the international press has an eye on research uncovering…
17.02.2015 Christoph Schottmüller publishes paper in Economic Journal People with high health risks are underinsured while people with low health risks buy insurance…
03.02.2015 Heino Bohn Nielsen, Giuseppe Cavaliere and Anders Rahbek publish a paper in Econometrica. Bootstrap Testing of Hypotheses on Cointegration Relations in VAR Models
02.02.2015 Asger Moll Wingender publishes article in European Economic Review Skill complementarity and the dual economy
16.01.2015 Peter Norman Sørensen publishes paper in American Economic Review Price Reaction to Information with Heterogeneous Beliefs and Wealth Effects: Underreaction,…
12.01.2015 Global Development Professors: Let's fight corruption in Africa effectively Surprisingly, academics argue that European countries should not cut the funding when they uncover…
15.12.2014 In December 2014 Professor Emeritus Niels Thygesen turned 80 On that occasion the Department of Economics at the University of Copenhagen hosted an internationa…
03.12.2014 Peter Birch Sørensen bliver formand for Klimarådet Klima- og energiminister Rasmus Helveg Petersen har udpeget professor Peter Birch Sørensen til at…
01.12.2014 Piovesan, Harmon og Wingender modtager bevillinger for 5 mio. fra Carlsberg Fondet Carlsbergfondet har sikret sig 3 lovende økonomiprojekter fra Økonomisk Institut. Det er Marco…
01.12.2014 Carl-Johan Dalgaard bliver ny vismand Økonomiminister Morten Østergaard har udpeget vores nye vismand, Carl-Johan Dalgaard.
21.10.2014 Anders Rahbek hædres af Nykredits Fond 500.000 kr. følger årets Forskningspris fra Nykredits Fond, der i år går til professor Anders Rahbe…
03.10.2014 David Dreyer Lassen publishes paper in British Journal of Political Science This article analyzes the political origins of differences in adherence to the fiscal framework of…
01.10.2014 Pablo Selaya publishes article in World Development The paper studies competition for export markets among donor countries of foreign aid, by analyzing…
22.09.2014 Outstanding researchers from Dept. of Economics are awarded DKK 7.288.000 4 young researchers have been awarded grants for research projects by the Danish Council for…
02.09.2014 Emiliano Santoro has published an article in Journal of Monetary Economics Santoro, E., Petrella, I., Pfajfar, D., Gaffeo, E., 2014, "Loss aversion and the asymmetric…