CO2-afgift 08.02.2022 Sådan skal fremtidens CO2-afgifter indrettes Ekspertgruppen for en grøn skattereform, der er nedsat af regeringen og flere partier i Folketinget…
BEHAVIOR 04.02.2022 Economists' economic behavior Congrats to you who are an economist! "Economists have a lower risk of ending up with unpaid debt",…
FINANSPOLITIK 01.02.2022 Finansministeriet skifter regnemaskinen ud Af Søren Hove Ravn. Artiklen er oprindeligt bragt i Altinget 31. januar 2022. I Finansministeriet e…
COVID-19 01.02.2022 Vaccineskepsis skyldes informationsulighed og mistillid til myndigheder På WHO's hjemmeside står der: "no one is safe, unless everyone is safe". WHO gentager, hvad…
HIGHLIGT 26.01.2022 Nature Communications highlights Frederik Lyngse The editors at Nature Communications have put together an Editors’ Highlights webpage of recent…
LISTEN 24.01.2022 Inequality in housework Norwegian Robin Havre thought he did most of the housework - until a quarrel with his girlfriend…
CEBI RESEARCH STORIES 18.01.2022 CEBI stories What is the role of behavior for inequality in society? Center for Economic Behavior and Inequality…
Wealth inequality 17.01.2022 The Intergenerational Transmission of Housing Wealth The study was presented at American Economic Association Annual Meeting, ASSA on Saturday 8th of…
COVID-19 06.01.2022 Frederik Lyngse in WHO Technical Advisory Group In June 2020, WHO established an informal Virus Evolution Expert Working Group to specifically…
HEALTH 05.01.2022 Germs in the family By Meltem Daysal, Hui Ding, Maya Rossin-Slater, Hannes Schwandt The COVID-19 pandemic has…
17.12.2021 UCPH-DERG researchers completing an institutional diagnostic of Mozambique On 18 December 2021, UPCH-DERG’s Professor Finn Tarp and Dr Ines Ferreira will take part in an…
BARSEL 16.12.2021 Effekten af øremærket forældreorlov skal under luppen Carlsbergfondet har bevilget adjunkt Jakob Egholt Søgaard fra Økonomisk Institut, 4,5 mio. kr. til…
BILTRAFIK 16.12.2021 Millioner til grøn omstilling på vejene Danmarks Frie Forskningsfond har bevilget knap 12 millioner til projektet GREENCAR, der skal vise…
15.12.2021 UCPH-DERG Partners in International Research Consortium The University of Copenhagen Development Economics Research Group (UCPH-DERG) has joined an…
15.12.2021 UCPH-DERG work in Mozambique continues to 2024 On 7 May 2021, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Norway signed a funding agreement sealing Phase I…
IMPACT 14.12.2021 Pol Campos-Mercade in committee with Spanish government Pol Campos-Mercade participates in Spanish committee on experimenting, designing, implementing and…
COVID-19 14.12.2021 Estimation of covid-19 transmission rates Frederik Plesner Lyngse in Nature communications: Increased transmissibility of SARS-CoV-2 lineage…
NEW GRANT 09.12.2021 Consumer behavior and uncertainty during crisis The Carlsberg Foundation grants Michael Bergman funds to solve the link between crisis expectations…
GREEN TRANSITION 08.12.2021 The transition of the car fleet to zero emission vehicles The IRFD grants Mogens Fosgerau 11.8 mio DKK to solve the question: How do we manage the transition…
Gender equality 08.12.2021 Does earmarked paternity leave shape gender norms? The Carlsberg Foundation has granted Jakob Søgaard 4.5 mio DKK to extend our understanding of…