IMPACT 29.04.2022 CEBI research informs POTUS Jeppe Druedahl, Mette Ejrnæs, Thomas Jørgensen, and Jakob Søgaard have published research results…
26.04.2022 2nd. Workshop on “Behavioral responses to health innovations and the consequences for socioeconomic outcomes” 29-30 August 2022 CALL FOR PAPERS, submission deadline June 1, 2022
IMPACT 21.04.2022 Expert group for the reform of future business support Niels Johannesen and Jeppe Druedahl have been selected to form part of a new expert group that has…
INFLATION 20.04.2022 Inflationen kræver hurtig handling fra centralbankerne Inflationen i USA er foran det europæiske, og jo længere den forbliver høj, jo større er risikoen…
INTEGRATION 19.04.2022 Language teaching will be crucial for the integration of Ukrainian refugees When the many thousands of Ukrainians who come to Denmark have been given shelter, it's time to…
INTEGRATION 11.04.2022 Sprogundervisning bliver afgørende for integrationen af ukrainske flygtninge Når de mange tusind ukrainere, der kommer til Danmark, har fået tag over hovedet, bør…
FINANSPOLITIK 11.04.2022 Uheldigt at risikere Danmarks økonomiske ry ved at opgive budgetloven Af Michael Bergman. Altinget den 8. april. Der foregår en debat om de danske finanspolitiske rammer…
KLIMAFORSKERNE 06.04.2022 Hvis bilerne skal blive grønne, må de helt store hjul drejes Hvilke økonomiske håndtag skal de folkevalgte skrue på for at flytte folk over i grønne biler? Det…
PUBLIC BUDGET AND CHILD PROTECTION 25.03.2022 Can strict budget adherence influence child protection decisions? New research by Petra Gram Cavalca, Mette Ejrnæs and Mette Gørtz investigates the trade-off between…
PRIS 22.03.2022 Anton Frandsen modtager stipendium på 200.000kr På billedet ses fra venstre Anton Frandsen, professor emeritus Niels Thygesen og Peer B Petersen,…
GENDER 21.03.2022 No Evidence that Siblings’ Gender Affects Personality Does growing up with a sister rather than a brother affect personality? The short answer is no.
DIGNITY 16.03.2022 Department Dignity We will ensure an inclusive, welcoming, diverse, professional, and respectful culture at the…
Klimaøkonomi 10.03.2022 Survey: Eksperter efterlyser højere priser på CO2-udledning Næsten alle akademiske eksperter anbefaler markant højere priser på CO2-udledning, viser den første…
10.03.2022 Research collaboration with Ethiopia on building resilience to climate change achieves new important milestone The research collaboration between the Development Economics Research Group (UCPH-DERG) and the…
AWARD 08.03.2022 Frikk wins cesifo affiliate award Scientific originality, policy relevance and the quality of exposition of his paper results in ward…
Crime 16.02.2022 Impatient and risk-tolerant people more often become criminals A new study published in the prestigious journal PNAS confirms the assumption that risk-tolerant,…
Kriminalitet 16.02.2022 Utålmodige og risikovillige mennesker bliver oftere kriminelle Et nyt studie publiceret i det prestigefyldte tidsskrift PNAS bekræfter formodningen om, at…
INEQUALITY IN INCOME 16.02.2022 Are some forms of inequality seen as more unfair than others? Kristoffer Balle Hvidberg and Claus Thustrup Kreiner from CEBI have studied people’s perception of…
14.02.2022 Call for Papers - 20th Nordic Conference in Development Economics (NCDE) A call for papers has been issued for the upcoming Nordic Conference in Development Economics.
CLIMATE 10.02.2022 Climate policy is also about behavior The expert commission has released their first report advising politicians on how to achieve the…