17 December 2021

UCPH-DERG researchers completing an institutional diagnostic of Mozambique

On 18 December 2021, UPCH-DERG’s Professor Finn Tarp and Dr Ines Ferreira will take part in an online conference organised by Oxford Policy Management (OPM) to discuss research findings from the Mozambique component of the project Economic Development and Institutions (EDI), forthcoming at Cambridge University Press.


Their presentation will provide an overview of the project’s stages and share core messages from its constituent studies, identifying causes and consequences of Mozambique’s institutional weaknesses and suggesting reform priorities going forward.

EDI is a collaborative research project that aims to gather evidence on how to achieve positive institutional change, i.e. how institutions can contribute to growth and improved economic and social outcomes. The impact goal is to engage with policy makers and opinion leaders to generate information on solutions for effective policy change.

The Mozambique study is the fourth and final country study under EDI’s institutional diagnostic work and accompanies earlier studies in Tanzania, Benin and Bangladesh.

More information in the DERG project website.

Download presentation slides here.