Emiliano Santoro

Emiliano Santoro

Ekstern forsker



Primære forskningsområder

Macroeconomics, Monetary Economics

I have interests in macroeconomics and monetary economics. My research activity focuses on business cycle analysis and monetary policy design. My contributions may be grouped in four main strands of investigation. The first strand explores the connection between the credit market and the real economy, both from the vantage of business cycle analysis and monetary policy-making. The second strand focuses on the connection between information frictions and consumers' inflation expectations. The third strand studies inter-sectoral linkages in the market for intermediate goods and their effects on the propagation of shocks to the economy, as well as how monetary policy should be designed in this environment. The last strand examines the genesis and key features of various asymmetries in the transmission of monetary policy and business cycle dynamics.


Undervisnings- og vejledningsområder

Macroeconomics III

Advanced Macroeconomics: Business Cycles

Aktuel forskning

  1. Sectoral Heterogeneity, Production Networks, and the Effects of Government Spending (with Bouakez, H. and Rachedi, O.).
  2. “Kinks and Gains from Credit Cycles” (with Jensen, H. and Hove Ravn, S.).
  3. “Time-varying Price Flexibility and Inflation Dynamics” (with Petrella, I. and Simonsen, L.).
  4. “Technical Change and the Distribution of Firm Growth” (with Distante, R. and Petrella, I.).

ID: 32101428