Zeuthen Lectures 2021 with Henrik Kleven, Princeton University: Children and Gender Inequality

Forelæsning 1: The Child Penalty: An Overview
Mandag den 6. september, 15:15-16:45, lokale  CSS 35.01.06.

Forelæsning 2: The Geography of Child Penalties
Tirsdag den 7. september, 13:00-14:00, lokale CSS 26.2.21

Forelæsning 3: The Drivers of Child Penalties
Onsdag den 8. september , 13:00-14:00, lokale CSS 26.2.21

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Programme for both Zeuthen Lectures and Workshop
September 6-8, 2021

Organized by Niels Johannesen and Claus Thustrup Kreiner

September 6 (room CSS 35.01.06)

15:15-16:45: Zeuthen Lecture I

“The Child Penalty: An Overview.” Henrik Kleven. Princeton University, CEBI & NBER

16:45: Reception CSS (26.3.21)

19:00: Conference dinner at restaurant Famo Carne.

September 7 (room CSS 26.2.21)

9:00-10:10: Session 1: Career Choices

“Unpacking Intergenerational (Im-)mobility: Child vs. Parent Career Preferences.” Maximilian W. Mueller, UC Berkeley.

“Early career, life-cycle choices, and gender.” Torben Heien Nielsen, CEBI, University and Copenhagen.

10:10-10:25:Coffee break

10:25-12:10: Session 2

“Taxing the Gender Gap: Labor Market Effects of a Payroll Tax Cut for Women in Italy.” Enrico Rubolino, University of Lausanne.

“Gender Norms and Labor-Supply Expectations: Experimental Evidence from Adolescents. Elisabeth Grewenig, University of Munich.

“Ambivalent sexism in a competitive environment. Evidence from a game show.” Natalia Starzykowska, University of Warsaw.

12:10-13:00: Lunch

13:00-14:00: Zeuthen lecture II

“The Geography of Child Penalties.” Henrik Kleven. Princeton University, CEBI & NBER

14:00-14:15: Coffee break

14:15-16:00: Session 3

“Child Penalties in Politics.” Max-Emil M. King, BI Norwegian Business School.

“Event Studies, Endogenous Timing and the Child Penalty.” Ingrid Huitfeldt, Statistics Norway.

“Does the Child Penalty Strike Twice?Sarah Sander, CEBI, University and Copenhagen.

16:30-17:30: Small reception (CSS 26.3.21)

September 8 (room CSS 26.2.21)

9:00-10:10: Session 4

“How Does Maternity Leave Allowance Affect Fertility and Career Decisions?” Sebastien Fontenay, University of Bruxelles.

“Causal Effects of Breastfeeding Promotion on Child Health and Development: Understanding the Role of Nutrition.” Anne Ardila Brenøe, University of Zürich.

10:10-10:25: Coffee break

10:25-12:10: Session 5

“How Americans Respond to Idiosyncratic and Exogenous Changes in Household Wealth and Unearned Income.” Michael Graber, University of Chicago.

“Neighborhoods, Perceived Inequality, and Preferences for Redistribution: Evidence from Barcelona.” Gerard Domènech-Arumí, Boston University.

“Redistribution with Performance Pay. Pawel Doligalski, University of Bristol.

12:10-13:00: Lunch

13:00-14:00: Zeuthen lecture III

“The Drivers of Child Penalties.” Henrik Kleven. Princeton University, CEBI & NBER

14:00-14:15: Coffee break

14:15-16:00: Session 6

“Optional (Non-)Filing and Effective Taxation.”Luisa Wallossek, University of Münich.

“Automatic Exchange of Information and Real Estate Investment. Jeanne Bomare, Paris School of Economics.

“Who Gains from Tax Havens?” Julie Brun Bjørkheim, Norwegian University of Science and Technology.