Maria Juul Hansen forsvarer sin ph.d.-afhandling

Maria Juul Hansen forsvarer sin ph.d.-afhandling:"Topics in Urban Economics: Non-Market Valuation and Location Choice".


Maria Juul Hansen


"Topics in Urban Economics: Non-Market Valuation and Location Choice"

Tid og sted

10. januar 2020 kl. 15:30, Økonomisk Institut, Københavns Universitet, Øster Farimagsgade 5, 1353 København K, bygning 26, lokale 26.2.21. Af hensyn til kandidaten lukkes dørene præcis.


Professor Mette Ejrnæs, Økonomisk Institut, Københavns Universitet, Danmark (formand)
Lektor Ismir Mulalic, DTU, Danmark
Professor Robert A. Miller, Carnie Mellon University, USA


This thesis consists of three self-contained chapters on topics in urban economics. They complement each other by taking three different angles on what drives the decisions on where to live and work.

Chapter 1 develops a reduced-form method to estimate marginal willingness to pay for non-marginal changes in non-traded amenities under time-varying preferences. It applies the method to violent crime. The results document that ignoring time-varying preferences causes a significant bias. (Joint work with Christopher Timmins).

Chapter 2 develops and estimates a dynamic model for housing size and residential and work locations with equilibrium constraints on the housing market. The chapter provides evidence that increasing the housing supply in Copenhagen lowers equilibrium prices, increases urbanization and motivates richer households to reside in Copenhagen. Increasing commute costs results in higher non-employment rates and lower equilibrium prices in the peripheral regions. (Joint work with Christian Langholz Carstensen, Fedor Iskhakov, John Rust and Bertel Schjerning).

Chapter 3 sets up a collective dynamic model of home and work locations for dual-earner households to study the intra-household allocation of commuting and its response to an increase in the number of jobs outside of Copenhagen. The chapter estimates a static version of the model for the Greater Copenhagen Area. The results suggest that the relocation of jobs affects locations of both residence and work and slightly reduces the intra-household difference in commute times and the gender wage gap.

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