Workshop on The importance of early-life circumstances: Shocks, parents and policies

At the same time, we still lack a deeper understanding of the drivers of those well-established relationships.

A large literature across fields has demonstrated the importance of early life circumstances for children’s human capital formation, their health and well-being in the short and longer run. At the same time, we still lack a deeper understanding of the drivers of those well-established relationships. Specifically, evidence on the ways in which early-life shocks, parental investments and public policies interact in shaping the life trajectories of children is still scarce. Moreover, a greater focus on the type (universal vs targeted), intensity and timing of early-life investment programs, as well as on the role of providers, is instrumental for policy design.

This conference brings together around 40 economists from different universities and countries to discuss their work.

Participation in the workshop by invitation only. Everybody is invited to attend the keynote by Prof. Janet Currie (Princeton)

You can find the full programme here