7 April 2021

Miriam Gensowski and co-authors publish in Journal of Research in Personality

The paper "Academic self perceptions in a national Danish sample: Predictive power and development from grade 4 to 9" has now been published in Journal of Research in Personality.


Research on students’ understandings of their academic performance often faces limits with respect to sample diversity, statistical power, breadth of participant information, and ability to continuously track the development of participants. Government registry data do not face such limitations. We validate a brief measure of academic self-perceptions contained within the Danish Well-Being Survey, a self-report measure administered annually to all Danish public-school students (grades 4 through 9) and linked with rich registry data regarding these students, their families, schools, and communities. We then perform exceptionally well-powered analyses of the influence of academic self-perceptions on the pursuit of further academically-intensive education (N = 35,227) and of the development of academic self-perceptions during late childhood and adolescence (N = 284,024).

You can read the full research paper here